Seeking The Lord With You…
To See His Kingdom Come.
Our ministry together for more than four decades has focused on introducing people to Jesus (evangelism) and writing and teaching material that develops one’s Christian walk through personal freedom, prayer, spiritual intimacy with God and the prophetic. It’s true! The Word of God changes us. We call it a transformation by revelation.
To understand the experience of our salvation, each of our unique spiritual gifts and the assignment we’ve been given—are all important for our future kingdom advancement.
As you scroll through our site, we pray that the Holy Spirit will prompt you with something we teach or write that will enhance your walk with God. Let us know if we can assist you. We are here for you.
We are honored to be invited to teach your group or your church, either live or online LIVE broadcasts.
Join Our 52-Week School of Prayer!

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Teach Me To Pray is a year-long online school of prayer that consists of 52 weekly lessons sent to your email inbox. Register and join more than 20,000 other students from around the world
Eddie and Alice, who are known to many as “America’s Prayer Coaches” have written these lessons in simple, easy-to-understand English. Even if English is your second language, you have no problem at all.
REGISTER NOW and learn how to have a fulfilling quiet time and how to experience God through prayer. Discover the dynamics of effective spiritual warfare prayer, throne-room prayer and more. Your prayer life will be truly be transformed!
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